Who says you can't get anything good from an
airport gift shop? My wife recently returned from a trip out west to
Portland, Oregon, and found some great craft beer for me as she waited to board her flight home. Portland's a great craft brewing town with a couple of well-known producers, Rogue and Bridgeport, as well as several other smaller regional brands. Here's the list of what she brought me (none of which I have had before) in the order they have now been consumed:
Bridgeport Hop Harvest Imperial Ale - this was a pint bottle claiming only a one-hour process from field harvest to brewing. It is triple-hopped and delicious from Bridgeport Brewing, the grand-daddy of all craft brewers in Oregon.
Summer Grifter IPA - MacTarnahan's Brewery - This was a 12 oz. bottle from a small brewery in Portland that I had not heard of before. It was an excellent IPA with nice hoppiness and finish. Probably my favorite of the three I received.
Nice Rack IPA - Great name! This decent IPA is produced by Southern Oregon Brewery (SOB) in Medford. It was also a pint bottle.
This weekend (October 16 to be exact) I joined WOW Wingery's "Drink the Wall and Get Your Wings" Club over in nearby Mt. Juliet - 3 down and 42 0r so to go - New Belgium's Ranger IPA, Stone IPA and a Dogfish Head Pumpkin Ale (new to me) in a glass rimmed with brown sugar. The bartender said most folks can't do it in a year....we'll see about that!
My local fav beer store, Mount Juliet Beer Company, is now serving half-size growlers which are a great way to sample a new or beloved draught (works out to about 3 glasses) while limiting caloric intake or worrying about it going flat if you try and space out the five to six glasses you get from a full growler. Mike, the owner, also recently announced eight more taps to be coming in!! It's great to see the MJBC having such great success!!