Monday, December 15, 2008

Alaska 2004 Remembered

I was looking through a photo album of a trip to Alaska that I took in 2004 with my good friends, Chris and Craig, when I came across two beer bottle labels that I saved from the trip. Granted, I don't remember a whole lot about the beer (other than it was pretty good or I would not have kept the labels), but it was such a wonderful trip that I felt this blog entry was a great way to honor it.

The first label was from a bottle of Alaskan Oatmeal Stout from the Alaska Brewing Company in Juneau. The second was a Kodiak-Brown Nut Brown Ale which indicates that it was brewed and bottled in Salt Lake City by Uinta Brewing Co. for Midnight Sun Brewing of Anchorage, Alaska then shipped to Alaska where I bought it. Strange. I should also pay tribute to a great pizzeria and brewpub in Anchorage that we visited that I fondly remember (and have a T-shirt from) called The Moose's Tooth which draws it's name from a famous rock outcroppingo on Mt. McKinley. Excellent food and beer including the one draught I remember having - The Pipeline Stout (also on the T-shirt).

A salute to Alaska and it's beer (even if it's brewed in Utah)!!


Craig and Alison Harris said...

Finally getting around to commenting on this blog. As I recall, the Pipe-line stout (I have a tee-shirt too) was very dark, very stout but not bitter enough to make me wince like Boddington's does. A bit smoother than that. Somewhere between Murphy's very creamy flavor and a moderate Guiness. How's that?

Man, I am looking forward to a time when i can do that again! The end of an Alaskan day is best viewed through the bottmon of a glass!

Rob and Ashlee said...

Boddington makes you wince? Come on, it's smooth as buttaahh!! And amen, brother, about ending another great day in Alaska with some suds and some buds.